Phil's Blog
The work on Job took some two years to accomplish involving the reading of sixty or so books and many more articles. I found Job to be full of incredible information not seen in any other book of the Bible. For Isaiah, sometimes called the fifth Gospel, is also an amazing book. It is also referred to as a Bible within the Bible. It is divided up into 39 books which focuses on the Old Testament and then 27 books that focuses on the Messiah.
About ten years back I did a study on Biblical Archaeology. Part of that study required research on any Biblical Topic I chose as long as it related to Biblical Archaeology. I ended up researching the Aramaic Language and its history. I have put in consider study of several other Semitic Language as part of my PhD studies
The next text is a study made by Agora Church on the Gifts of the Spirit. These include twenty different sermons. The PDF file is a large file and may take some time to download. I developed the file myself but Agora Church has copyrighted it.
Know Your Theology: know what you believe. This study covers most of the theological themes of the Bible. This article talks about the major doctrines of the Bible. Each of these reference many major textual backgrounds. Don't get your theology from people, get it from the Bible. Be able to defend your own theology from heretical ideas that other people have, especially non-Christians.
A comparative Study on Islam and Christianity.
Interactive Survey on the Gifts of the Spirit
Check this Study onf Philippians and other books of the Testament
Read what the world is saying about different beliefs & philosophies and see what Christianity says.
This book is about the historical settings of both the Old and New Testament
A Study on the Life of Christ. This is more like a book providing additional information from the Old & New Testament.
Biblical Centred Creation
Biblical Themes & Books of the Bible
Biblical Names of God
Non-Christian World Views
City Bible Church, Hamilton, New Zealand
City Bible Church in Hamilton, New Zealand welcomes you. It has activities for the whole family. It also has sermons that are Bible centered and available to listen to at If you live in the Hamilton please come and join us at
13B Kent Street, Frankton Hamilton
Worship at 10AM
Gathering every Sunday to worship God, connect with each other and be encouraged to go and engage in our world.
Come and gather with us, we would love to meet you!