Phil's Blog
These are photos that I have taken around Hamilton, New Zealand and other places in the world. I really enjoy photography, especially film cameras and film photography. It is much more difficult to take a good picture using film than it is using digital. Most of these photos were taken using Pentax Cameras such as the old Z1, SF7, ZM-6 and also a Zenit 122K, all four in very good working order. I use a variety of lenses: 18-135mm-F3.5, Pentax 28-80mm-F3.5, 70-300mm-F4, 28-300mm-F3.5, 200mm-F2.8, 300mm-F2.8, 24mm-F2.8, 50mm-F1.7, Pentax 35-70mm F3.5 and 55mm-F2.2. I also use a Pentax K5-IIs digital camera. Many years ago in travelling around the world, I used a Canon FTb Film Camera, without doubt, the best camera I have ever used. I'm always buying and selling film cameras and lenses. I do this for fun and for a hobby. I am in no way a professional photographer. Notice that there are more photos at the bottom.
I used my Zenit 122K camera for the most of the pictures on the upper portion of this page. What amazes me is: what you see and the way you see it, is what you get. Even though digital photos are more finer in resolution and better colors yet the colors are not exactly the same as you get with film.
These are a few slide shows representing various topics. All of the photos were taken at various times throughout my life. Just run the mouse over them and click.
The picture above is of a walkway down to the river near my house. There is a cool breeze most times of the year. It reminds of the my walk with Jesus. There is plenty of room on the path but it's only one path. There is only one way to heaven and that is through Jesus.